Former President Barack Obama sharply criticized Donald Trump while campaigning for Kamala Harris
US ELECTION: On Thursday, while visiting Pittsburgh to support Kamala Harris, former President Barack Obama gave a caustic assessment of Donald Trump. Obama started his swing state tour in Pennsylvania, a competitive state where elections have already started and less than four weeks remain before Election Day. This is occurring as polls suggest that Trump and Harris are engaged in a close contest that might come down to razor-thin margins in swing states.

Speaking to Harris at a University of Pittsburgh event, Obama called her “a leader who has spent her life fighting on behalf of people who need a voice and a chance.”
Declaring that Trump “has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago,” he denigrated her Republican rival as pompous and egotistical.
Obama’s tone became more acerbic throughout his speech on many occasions. He criticized Trump, for instance, for spreading false claims about the Biden administration’s handling of Hurricane Helene in an attempt “to score political points.”
According to Obama, “everyone knew it wasn’t true.” I want you to keep an eye on what transpires during the next few days. There will be leaders who make an effort to assist, and then there will be someone who will lie to get political points, which has repercussions. Republicans in the area even denied it was real. Currently, residents of Florida are coping with yet another severe hurricane.
“The idea of deliberately trying to deceive someone when they are most vulnerable and exposed. And at what point did it start to be accepted?
He went on to question why Trump’s fellow Republicans condone his behavior.
“When Donald Trump lies, cheats or shows utter disregard for our Constitution, when he calls POWs losers or fellow citizens vermin, people make excuses for it,” he said. They think it’s okay. They argue that he is at least assuming responsibility for the libs.
Obama said that Trump’s propensity to bully and denigrate people was not a genuine asset.
“Real strength is about working hard and carrying a heavy load without complaining,” he said. “True strength is taking responsibility for your actions and telling the truth, even when it’s difficult. True strength is shown by giving to those in need and standing up for those who can’t always defend themselves. It is what I would want to see in a US president, and it is what we need to hope for our sons and daughters as well.”
Requests for comments have been made via email to Obama’s office and the Trump campaign.
Some on social media criticized Obama’s tone.
“There are some really intense, even angry parts of this Obama speech,” said lawyer Daniel Miller on X, the old Twitter. “It comes across as a warning for us to wake up, particularly when he talks about Trump calling his fellow citizens ‘vermin.'”
Symone Sanders-Townsend, the host of MSNBC’s The Weekend and a former top assistant to Harris, shared a video of Obama’s speech.
Sanders-Townsend said, “This is four minutes of Barack Obama being very effective and completely fed up with the shenanigans.”
The musician Ricky Davila tweeted, “President Obama is furious and terrified for our democracy, as we all should be.”
Obama’s speech wasn’t angry, according to Thomas Gift, an associate professor of political science and the director of University College London’s Center for U.S. Politics, who spoke with a media report. I would characterize it as transparent and displaying a level of concern that he feels is justified considering the gravity of the circumstances and the ramifications of the election.”
“There was nothing Obama said in Pittsburgh that we hadn’t heard from Democrats before,” added the speaker. Obama isn’t usually one to take criticism well, so even if his tone was tougher than usual, it simply helped to increase the impact of his speech.”